Belajar Tenses

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Pr.Simple : It's used to talk about a habbit / routine. The activities happen again and again for a long time.
-- example:
- i usually drive to work.(rutinitas)
- the shop opens at 8.00 am and closes at 9.00 pm(toko itu selalu buka pukul 8 pagi dan tutup pukul 9 malam)

Pr.Continuous: It's used to talk about activities which are in progress, and for a temporary term.
-- example:
- i'm having a lunch ( si pembicara sedang makan siang saat dia mengeluarkan statement tersebut.
- she's being crazy (pada saat ini she menjadi gila karena sesuatu, tetapi biasanya dia tidak gila.she menjadi gila hanya pada saat itu)

Making Decision
Function : using Pr. Future to make a sudden decision. The speaker doesn't have enough time to think about desicion he/she makes.
Situation : you are the winner of "Who Want's To Be A Millionaire". Then, a journalist interviews you.
Journalist: What will you do with your money?
Winner : I will travel around the world.
at that time, the winner doesn't have enough time to think about the money.

Future Intentions
Function : using "be goint to" to talk about the activity in the future. the speaker has enough time to think before making decision.
Example: you are in the same situation (at making decision)
J : What are you going to do with your money?
W : I'm going to buy some land, i'm going to buy a car.
the winner does have enough time to think about the money, what she/he is going to do with the money.

Note: intinya, klo pake "will" si pelaku hanya sekedar berencana tanpa dipikir terlebih dahulu tentang apa yang dia ingin lakukan. sedangkan "going to", si pelaku sudah berpikir terlebih dahulu tentang rencana dia, dia sudah berpikir matang tentang apa yang akan dia lakukan dan dia persiapkan, tetapi dia hanya berpikir, belum mempersiapkan apapun untuk melaksanakan rencananya.

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